About Us

Food. Humans have been obsessed with it since the beginning of time.  It defines us geographically, ethnically, culturally and economically.  It has been a focus in my life since childhood.  It is my vocation, entertainment, art form and passion.

As someone who cooks virtually every day, I know it is possible to get a beautiful, healthy meal on the table in less time than it takes to order a pizza and have it delivered.  Fewer and fewer people are choosing to cook from scratch, and I advocate for reversing this trend.  There is a reason the kitchen is called the heart of the home.  I know whenever we entertain; it’s the kitchen where everyone congregates.  It’s the hub of activity from mixing drinks to creating meals.  I often leave assorted tasks to be done when people arrive.  There is a sense of comradery that takes place when people cook together; it becomes a joint enterprise.  Multiple conversations take place; there is music in the background and a general happy hum.

As a child having dinner together was not negotiable. It was the time the entire family came together to share their day.  There was no technology tugging at our sleeves, demanding our constant attention.  We learned how to listen to each other, share ideas and develop basic social skills to take out into the world.  The television was turned off and there was a shared sense of what it means to participate in a discussion.

Recent studies have shown that the average American eats out 4-6 times a week.  The fast pace of contemporary living sells the idea that there is no time to cook.  In fact cooking has become a spectator sport complete with personalities to entertain us.  Cooking seems old-fashioned; but what has really happened is that we have collectively been sold a bill of goods.  These days we assemble rather than cook.  Premade entries, extensive deli’s and takeout have lured us away from something that feeds us not only physically but emotionally.  Cooking done with care is an act of love.  Julia Child has said, “You don’t have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces, just good food from fresh ingredients.”

I propose a middle ground.  Why not combine some of the convenience products offered in the typical grocery store to fresh ingredients? This could be accomplished with a well-stocked pantry.  The end result would be healthier food and increased intimacy with family and friends.  For example, you can buy a premade, processed 8 ounce container of hummus for approximately $4.00 or you can make 4 cups of incredible roasted red pepper hummus for less than $5.00.  You could create 4 cups of hummus with pantry staples of canned chickpeas and jarred roasted peppers, along with garlic and olive oil.  Do you see where I’m going here?  Making food at home will also stretch your food budget, while giving you a more quality product.  Understanding your preferences will allow you to live a healthy lifestyle that is not rigid.  I have found this approach gave me the best chance to succeed with my goals of staying happy, healthy and satisfied.  We generally eat vegetarian during the week, with small amounts of animal protein on the weekends.  This works well for us personally; whole foods, more veggies and less meat.

The emphasis of Twisted Basics: Rethinking Food is fresh veggies; there is no substitute for them.  We grow a variety of veggies on our farm; those we don’t grow are sourced through a trusted local farmer at our farmers market or if purchased at a grocery store are organic whenever possible.  If you make vegetables the foundation of your diet you will naturally lose weight and become healthier.  You do have time to cook!  Get your spouse or family involved.  Make cooking a bonding and conversational time.  Sharing a simple meal together will increase the intimacy between you and your loved ones.  Get off your phones and into your food.  What have you got to lose?

May there be joy at your table.

Kim A Sanwald

Brickyard Farms, LLC